Greetings I'm facing some issues while trying to make a simple event scheduler. In the code bellow my intention is to Increase or Decrease Time (when a button is pressed using mouse events).
However after many attempts I can't figure out why I can Increase; but not Decrease time.
// Timer
private Timer TmrCount;
private int HH {get;set;}
private int MM { get; set; }
private Button CurrBtn = new Button();
#region <Mouse Events>
private void OnMouseDown(object sender, EventArgs e)
CurrBtn = (Button)sender;
private void OnMouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
#region <Timer>
private void StartTimer()
if (TmrCount == null)
TmrCount = new Timer();
TmrCount.Interval = 210;
TmrCount.Tick += TmrCount_Tick;
private void TmrCount_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void StopTimer()
if (TmrCount != null)
TmrCount.Tick -= TmrCount_Tick;
TmrCount = null;
private void Set_Time()
switch (CurrBtn.Text)
case "+":
// Condition Check (Increase HH))
//if (HH == 23) { HH = default(int); }
//Increase HH
//if (HH < 23) { HH += 1; }
while (HH < 23) { HH++; break; }
case "-":
// Condition Check (Decrease HH)
//if (HH == default(int)) { HH = 23; }
//if (HH == 0) { HH = 23; }
// Decrease HH
while (HH > 23) { HH-=1; break; }
// Set Hour Text into Label
lbl_HH.Text = Convert.ToString(HH);
Can anyone point me the right direction? Thanks in advance
Supposing that your HH variable start with a value of 1 then you should change your SetTime in this way
int HH = 1;
private void Set_Time()
switch (CurrBtn.Text)
case "+":
// Condition Check (Increase HH))
// Within a limit of 23
while (HH < 23) { HH++; break; }
case "-":
// Condition Check (Decrease HH)
// Decrease HH but don't allow it to be less than 0
while (HH >= 0) { HH-=1; break; }
// Set Hour Text into Label
lbl_HH.Text = Convert.ToString(HH);
By the way, after you dispose an object you should never try to access it even to remove an event handler.
private void StopTimer()
if (TmrCount != null)
TmrCount.Tick -= TmrCount_Tick;
TmrCount = null;