Issue Description
I'm trying to add a plus icon to the right side of the top navbar, i'm using react-native-navigation library by wix. I get this error
[development, non-minified, hmr enabled] 0.0% (3/662), failed. error: bundling failed: "TransformError F:/work/www/native/project8/wixnav/img/navicon_add2x.png: Unexpected character '�' (1:0) [F:\work\www\native\project8\wixnav\img\navicon_add2x.png]"1 | �PNG | ^ 2 | 3 | 4 | IHDR # # 6��� tRNS ��� IDATxc�Ϡ��!
Steps to Reproduce
I followed the documentation , I only wanted to add an icon button, so I added this in the class before the constructor:
static navigatorButtons = {
rightButtons: [
icon: require('../../../img/navicon_add2x.png'),
id: 'add'
problem solved when I upgraded to version 1.1.436, which is the latest right now.