I have a requirement where I need to replace some text in a Powerpoint File at runtime(Powerpoint file is being used as a template with some placeholders/tokes e.g. {{data1}}
) in one row on table.
I referred to the other links on the forum and started with 'docx4j' but am not able to go beyond a point and the documentation is not very clear
List tableCells = clonedRow.getTc();
// Finally, insert the copy in the list
theTable.getTr().add(clonedRow); // standard Java list API
for (int ix = 0; ix < tableCells.size(); ix++)
CTTableCell tableCell = (CTTableCell)XmlUtils.unwrap(tableCells.get(ix));
// List<CTTextParagraph> value=tableCell.getTxBody().getP();
for (CTTextParagraph p : tableCell.getTxBody().getP()) {
Text text = (Text) ((JAXBElement) p).getValue();
A SlidePart extends JaxbXmlPart, which contains:
public void variableReplace(java.util.Map<String, String> mappings)
If you want to use variableReplace, your variables should be appear like so: ${key1}, ${key2}
For an example, see https://github.com/plutext/docx4j/blob/master/src/samples/docx4j/org/docx4j/samples/VariableReplace.java That's for a docx; you just need to apply it to your SlidePart.