I'm using ASM to modify the bytecode of any java class to add a null-check for each object.
For example, for this piece of code:
Object a = new Object();
I want to modify the bytecode so it looks like this:
Object a = new Object();
or this:
Object a = new Object();
if(a != null){
else return 1 //or throw exception
I'm stuck because I don't know what number go with ALOAD. I think ALOAD always go with ALOAD 1 (or in this format ALOAD n). What can I do to get the number that goes with ALOAD? Here's my work so far (using Junit assertNotNull)
* Use JUnit assertNotNull to check object/item for null
private void addAssertNullMethod() {
//need to add ALOAD here, but I don't know the location of the object on the stack.
mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "org/junit/Assert", "assertNull", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V", false);
You need DUP
bytecode instead.
refers to local variables, but there can be be no local variable slot assigned for a given object. Before calling doSomething()
, an object reference is already put on the expression stack (with ALOAD
bytecode or some other - it does not matter). So all you need is to copy this object reference (with DUP
) and then invoke your assert method.