I'm not sure why exactly I'm getting this error. Everything seems fine, check the code below.
This is my model class:
actual data class User(
@SerialName(value = "_id")
actual val id: String = "",
actual val username: String = "",
actual val password: String = ""
This is my code:
override suspend fun checkUserExistence(user: User): User? {
return try {
Filters.eq(User::username.name, user.username),
Filters.eq(User::password.name, user.password)
} catch (e: Exception) {
context.logger.error("checkUserExistence ERROR")
This is the error:
[Thread-16] DEBUG org.mongodb.driver.operation - Unable to retry the operation find due to the error "org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: Unable to invoke primary constructor of User data class" 2023-09-09 07:33:26.780 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-4] ERROR ktor.application - checkUserExistence ERROR 2023-09-09 07:33:26.780 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-4] ERROR ktor.application - Unable to invoke primary constructor of User data class
Okay so the issue here was the @SerialName(value = "_id")
annotation. My best guess is that when a mongodb tries to construct a User object, it doesn't recognize the _id
field name which is stored in the database, instead it uses the id
as the name of the field, which is not correct? Not sure tho, but mongo folks should take a look into that. Hope this answer helps someone as well. :)