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Shorter x86 call instruction

For context I am x86 golfing.

00000005 <start>:
   5:   e8 25 00 00 00          call   2f <cube>
   a:   50                      push   %eax

Multiple calls later...

0000002f <cube>:
  2f:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  31:   f7 e9                   imul   %ecx
  33:   f7 e9                   imul   %ecx
  35:   c3                      ret   

call took 5 bytes even though the offset fit into a single byte! Is there any way to write call cube and assemble with GNU assembler and get a smaller offset? I understand 16 bit offsets could be used, but ideally I'd have a 2 byte instruction like call reg.


  • There is no call rel8, or any way to push a return address and jmp in fewer than 5 bytes.

    To come out ahead with call reg, you need to generate a full address in a register in less than 3 bytes. Even a RIP-relative LEA doesn't help, because it only exists in rel32 form, not rel8.
    For a single call, clearly not worth it.

    If you can reuse the same function pointer register for multiple 2-byte call reg instructions, then you come out ahead even with just 2 calls. (5 byte mov reg, imm32 plus 2x 2-byte call reg is a total of 9 bytes, vs. 10 for 2x 5-byte call). But it does cost you a register.

    Most OSes don't let you map anything in the lowest pages (so NULL-pointer deref faults), so usable addresses are larger than 16 bits in 32 or 64-bit mode. 66 E8 rel16 (4 byte callw) isn't an option even in 32-bit mode; that would truncate EIP to IP.

    In 32-bit / 64-bit code, I'd consider the linker options necessary to get your code mapped in the zero page as part of the byte-count of your code-golf answer. (And also the /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr kernel setting, or equivalent on other OSes) Normally we justify not counting the ELF metadata at all in code-golf, only bytes of the .text section, so special linker tricks opens up a can of worms there.

    Generally avoid call in code-golf if you can. It's usually better to structure your loops to avoid needing code-reuse. e.g. jmp into the middle of a loop to get part of the loop to run the right number of times, instead of calling a block multiple times.

    I guess I usually look at code-golf questions which lend themselves naturally to machine code, and can avoid needing the same block of code from multiple places. I can already spend hours tweaking a short function, so starting an answer to a question that will take more code (and thus have even more room for optimization between / across parts of it) is rare for me.