I've a combobox
which connects to DB with AJAX proxy. Questions are;
, it removes typed string when XHR loading ends.. It's doing correct URL requst with param
, typed input already exist in Dataset of XHR response but doesn't bring searched record on selection inside Dropdown list...
The thing is I've another combobox
with same configuration and it works perfectly but this one is not!
How can I over come this situation? Here are some snippets of combobox;
requires: [],
name: 'Sample Combo',
fieldLabel: translations.comboDesc,
store: {
pageSize: 0,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
//idParam: 'sameid', // Thought idParam is not 'id' there can't be success and added this config but didnot effect
url: MyApp.getUrl() + '/service/list',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
autoLoad: true,
//autoSync: true,
//remoteFilter: true
queryMode: 'remote',
queryParam: 'description',
bind: '{currRec.sameid}'
and here is sample JSON;
"code": "XSAMPLE",
"samid": 105899092,
"description": "Sample Item",
And the issue is which totally all about my own enviroment setup has been solved.
Till now I thought that issue raises through Frontend request for filtering. Just couple hours ago has examine Backend if response for request as expected and has been figure out issue's reason was not Frontend!
The solution has solved through Backend with preparing required web service for query. For this case Backend web service was not able to query with description
field on URL and they've added this service, problem solved...
FYI to all..