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Excel Linked Table to Column

I have two tables in different worksheets like so:

Sample Data

What I need is a function that when inserting or deleting a row from Table 1 updates Table 2 across all rows but is only linked to column A. There is no formula in Excel that can be used to insert a row upon the mismatch of a cell's value?

The following formula goes through a range of values and evaluates if they match or don't.

I'm thinking if there is a way to insert a row, I can replace this with the false condition. If not, I will have to create a macro.

What may be a good way to do this?

Sample Data End


  • First, make sure that your two Tables are indeed Excel Tables. (If not, select them one at a time and use the Ctrl + T keyboard shortcut to turn them into 'official' Excel Tables aka ListObjects)

    Then select column A in Table1, and assign the named range "Primary" to it by writing "Primary" in the name box as shown below and then push Enter: enter image description here

    Likewise give column A in Table2 the name "Secondary".

    Note that these names are case sensitive, because we're going to be referencing them from VBA.

    Put it in the Sheet Module corresponding to the worksheet that Table 1 is in.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim dic     As Object
    Dim v1      As Variant
    Dim v2      As Variant
    Dim vItem   As Variant
    Dim lo      As ListObject
    Dim lr      As ListRow
    Dim lc      As ListColumn
    On Error GoTo errhandler
    If Not Intersect(Range("Primary"), Target) Is Nothing Then
        With Application
            .EnableEvents = False
            .ScreenUpdating = False
        End With
        Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        v1 = Range("Primary")
        v2 = Range("Secondary")
        Set lo = Range("Secondary").ListObject
        Set lc = lo.ListColumns(1)
        For Each vItem In v2
            If Not dic.exists(vItem) Then
                dic.Add vItem, vItem
                MsgBox "You have " & vItem & " in the table already!. Please rename the row and try again."
                GoTo errhandler
            End If
        Next vItem
        For Each vItem In v1
            If Not dic.exists(vItem) Then
                Set lr = lo.ListRows.Add
                Intersect(lr.Range, lc.Range).Value = vItem
            End If
        Next vItem
    End If
    With Application
        .EnableEvents = True
        .ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
    End Sub

    From now on, anything new you add to the Primary column will be added to the Secondary column:

    enter image description here