class Identifier {
private long id;
private String type;
private List<Status> statuses;
class Customer {
private Identifier identifier;
class CustomerProfile {
private Customer customer;
class CustomerIdentifierDO {
private long id;
class CustomeDO {
private CustomerIdentiferDO custID;
class CustomerProfileDO {
private String category;
private List<Status> custStatuses;
private CustomeDO customer;
public interface CustomerProfileMapper {
CustomerProfile toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ;
Customer toCustomer(CustomerDO customerDO);
Identifier toIdentifier(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO);
Everything works fine till this. Now I want to map custStatuses
, category
of CustomerProfileDO
class to statuses
and type
of Identifier
class. I've no idea how to supply CustomerProfileDO
object to toIdentifier
mapping method, so that I can include the mapping there itself. I tried following
@Mapping(target = "customer.identifier.type", source = "category")
CustomerProfile toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ;
But this nested mapping is overriding all the mapping config of below method. That should not happen.
toIdentifer(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO)
Is there any way to achieve this?
Currently MapStruct can pass source parameters to single methods. In order to achieve what you are looking for (without using nested target types you would need to use something like @AfterMapping
. It can look like:
public interface CustomerProfileMapper {
CustomerProfile toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ;
Customer toCustomer(CustomerDO customerDO);
Identifier toIdentifier(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO);
default void afterMapping(@MappingTarget CustomerProfile profile, CustomerProfieDO profileDO) {
Identifier identifier = profile.getCustomer().getIdentifier();