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Nested Mapping using MapStruct

class Identifier {
    private long id;
    private String type;
    private List<Status> statuses;

class Customer {
    private Identifier identifier;

class CustomerProfile {
    private Customer customer;

class CustomerIdentifierDO {
    private long id;

class CustomeDO {
    private CustomerIdentiferDO custID;


class CustomerProfileDO {
    private String category;
    private List<Status> custStatuses;
    private CustomeDO customer;

public interface CustomerProfileMapper {
    CustomerProfile toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ;  
    Customer   toCustomer(CustomerDO customerDO);
    Identifier toIdentifier(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO);


Everything works fine till this. Now I want to map custStatuses, category of CustomerProfileDO class to statuses and type of Identifier class. I've no idea how to supply CustomerProfileDO object to toIdentifier mapping method, so that I can include the mapping there itself. I tried following

     @Mapping(target = "customer.identifier.type", source = "category")
CustomerProfile   toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ; 

But this nested mapping is overriding all the mapping config of below method. That should not happen.

toIdentifer(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO)

Is there any way to achieve this?


  • Currently MapStruct can pass source parameters to single methods. In order to achieve what you are looking for (without using nested target types you would need to use something like @AfterMapping. It can look like:

    public interface CustomerProfileMapper {
        CustomerProfile toCustomerProfile(CustomerProfileDO profileDO) ;  
        Customer   toCustomer(CustomerDO customerDO);
        Identifier toIdentifier(CustomerIdentifierDO identifierDO);
        default void afterMapping(@MappingTarget CustomerProfile profile, CustomerProfieDO profileDO) {
            Identifier identifier = profile.getCustomer().getIdentifier();