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OpenEJB & JUnit: Sessioncontext.isCallerInRole returns allways false

I need to write a session bean that somewhere in the code checks if the current user has some role(s).

To unittest my EJB3 I'm trying out OpenEJB. I followed their example about testing security but if I test in my code for the role with SessionContect.isCallerInRole() it always returns false.

Why doesn't it work?

I've written some code to illustrate.

My local interface:

public interface MyBean {

    boolean doSomething();



public class MyBeanImpl implements MyBean {

    private SessionContext sessionContext;

    public boolean doSomething() {
        return this.sessionContext.isCallerInRole("role1");


My test:

public class MyBeanTest {

    private Context context;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        final Properties properties = new Properties();
        properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory");

        this.context = new InitialContext(properties);

    public void test1() throws Exception {
        final Caller roleBean = (Caller) this.context.lookup("RoleBeanLocal"); Callable<Object>() {

            public Object call() throws Exception {
                final MyBean myBean = (MyBean) MyBeanTest.this.context.lookup("MyBeanImplLocal");
                return null;

    public void test2() throws Exception {
        final Caller role2Bean = (Caller) this.context.lookup("Role2BeanLocal"); Callable<Object>() {

            public Object call() throws Exception {
                final MyBean myBean = (MyBean) MyBeanTest.this.context.lookup("MyBeanImplLocal");
                return null;

    public static interface Caller {

        <V> V call(Callable<V> callable) throws Exception;


    public static class RoleBean implements Caller {

        public <V> V call(final Callable<V> callable) throws Exception {


    public static class Role2Bean implements Caller {

        public <V> V call(final Callable<V> callable) throws Exception {



  • Well, apparently it's not supposed to work. It's part of the spec that @RunAs doesn't change the Principal's permissions.

    I posted the same question on the OpenEJB forum (see it at Nabble) and got some more info there as well as a better solution.