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How to build ACE 6.0(network library) as static?

ACE supplied solution file for Visual Studio, and there were solution files for static and dynamic liking.(ACE.sln and ACE_static.sln)

After they release 6.0, there was no static.sln anymore.
I can't understand. Why did they remove solution file for static? Is there a reason?
I'm putting predefined values for static build by myself. It's very annoying me.

Is there other convenient way?


  • I've just posted the same question on the comp.soft-sys.ace newsgroup where I got some help from one of the ACE developers:

    ACE 6.0 Static Builds

    Basically there's a Perl tool called MPC that's distributed with ACE that they use to compile all the build files (I haven't gotten it to work yet but then that's probably just something I'm doing wrong :)

    Anyway if you open up the .sln files in Notepad you'll actually see the MPC command line used to build it near the top in the comments.