Search code examples

Feign not encoding param

I'm refactoring a legacy codebase to use Feign and I have some problems:

  1. No one Feign log statements are printed to console

    • Despite instantiating with a logger and full log level
  2. Feign is not encoding my reservationSearch parameter

    • Feign just POST the toString of the Object

Feign definition:

public interface EPCReservationClient {
    @RequestLine("POST v1/searchReservations")
    @Headers({"clientId: {clientId}", "Content-Type: application/json", 
              "Authentication: {authentication}"})
    ReservationSearchResponse reservationSearch(
        @Param("authentication") String authentication, //apiToken
        @Param("clientId") String clientId,
        ReservationSearch<ReservationSearchParameters> reservationSearch);

Feign instantiation

    .logger(new Logger.JavaLogger())
    .decoder(new JacksonDecoder())
    .encoder(new JacksonEncoder(new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules()))
    .target(EPCReservationClient.class, restUrl);

Param type (don't kill me, not my code):

public class ReservationSearch<T> {

    private final int hotelID;
    private final String languageId;
    private final T parameters;
    private final List<Long> reservationID;

    public ReservationSearch(int hotelID, T parameters, final List<Long> reservationID) {
        this.hotelID = hotelID;
        this.languageId = "1033";
        this.parameters = parameters;
        this.reservationID = Optional.ofNullable(reservationID)

    public static ReservationSearch<ReservationSearchParameters> forLastName(
        int maxRecords, int hotelId, String lastName) {
        return new ReservationSearch<>(hotelId, new ReservationSearchParameters(maxRecords, lastName, null), null);

    public static ReservationSearch<ReservationSearchParameters> forConfirmationNumber(
        int maxRecords, int hotelId, String number) {
        return new ReservationSearch<>(hotelId, new ReservationSearchParameters(maxRecords, null, number), null);

    public static ReservationSearch<ReservationSearchParameters> forReservationId(
            final int maxRecords,
            final int hotelId,
            final String reservationNumber) {
        ReservationSearch<ReservationSearchParameters> reservationSearchParametersReservationSearch = new ReservationSearch<>(
                new ReservationSearchParameters(
        return reservationSearchParametersReservationSearch;

    public int getHotelID() {
        return hotelID;

    public String getLanguageId() {
        return languageId;

    public T getParameters() {
        return parameters;

    public List<Long> getReservationID() {
        return reservationID;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;

        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
            return false;

        final ReservationSearch that = (ReservationSearch) o;

        return new EqualsBuilder()
            .append(hotelID, that.hotelID)
            .append(languageId, that.languageId)
            .append(parameters, that.parameters)
            .append(reservationID, that.reservationID)

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 37)


ReservationSearchParameters :

public class ReservationSearchParameters {
    private final String travelerLastName;
    private final String confirmationNumber;
    private final int maxRecordsLimit;

    public ReservationSearchParameters(int maxRecordsLimit, String travelerLastName, String confirmationNumber) {
        this.maxRecordsLimit = maxRecordsLimit;
        this.travelerLastName = travelerLastName;
        this.confirmationNumber = confirmationNumber;

    public String getTravelerLastName() { return travelerLastName; }

    public String getConfirmationNumber() { return confirmationNumber; }

    public int getMaxRecordsLimit() { return maxRecordsLimit; }



  • Header (@Headers and @HeaderMap) and body template (@Body) params are always considered pre-encoded. Only query params (@QueryMap and @Params that reference a query parameter) will be URL encoded.

    If you want your body object to be encoded via the Encoder, then don't supply any @Body template, and don't annotate your body parameter with @Param (that is only intended to be used for template parameters). The un-annotated body parameter will then be fed to the Encoder specified in your Feign.builder().encoder(new FooEncoder()) line.