While using the dtSearch Engine I ran into the problem that the file path displayed by the dtSearch FileConverter seems limited to 511 characters. This while in other parts of dtSearch the path is listed with the correct length.
I use the dtSearch .NET API version 4 to interface between my website and the dtSearch Engine. I have not set any restrictions to string length or anything. In my code the FileConverter is set to output as a string. I have tested it with the "OutputStringMaxSize" option set to Int.MaxValue
and without any limits, but it still cuts off the file path even though it is far from any maximum length.
Screengrab of dtSearch output from FileConverter
Is this a limitation in dtSearch, the .NET Framework, Windows, NTFS or something else?
I use the following software:
After contacting dtSearch, this seems to be a limitation in the dtSearch software itself. This will be fixed in version 7.91. A release date is not yet known.
This is not a limitation in the other software that is used.
For now this is something we will have to work around.