I'm having a trouble with a mutate filter, where i need to set a field copy to lowercase. But when i try to load on elastic , the field copy won't be lowercase.
My Logstash Version is 5.2
i'm using the configuration below:
filter {
mutate {
rename => {"desc_ufe" => "state" }
rename => {"desc_local" => "city" }
rename => {"desc_bairro" => "neighborhood" }
rename => {"desc_lograd" => "streetName" }
rename => {"desc_cep" => "postalCode" }
rename => {"desc_lograd_complemento" => "supplement" }
rename => {"cod_mun" => "IBGEcode" }
convert => {"IBGEcode" => "string"}
add_field => {"statecp" => "%{state}"}
add_field => {"citycp" => "%{city}"}
add_field => {"neighborhoodcp" => "%{neighborhood}"}
add_field => {"streetNamecp" => "%{streetName}"}
add_field => {"supplementcp" => "%{supplement}"}
lowercase => ["statecp","citycp","neighborhoodcp","streetNamecp","supplementcp"]
Thank you for any help.
You are falling prey to the order that the mutate filter does things. It's not based on the order in your config file -- it's based on the order that the mutate.rb code does it.
The order is (according to https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-mutate/blob/master/lib/logstash/filters/mutate.rb):
Followed by anything else that applies to matching events (ie add_field
Just move your lowercase
to a 2nd mutate
filter and it should work correctly.