let foo = {bar: 'baz', method() { this.bar = 'baz2' }}
let fooProxy = new Proxy(foo, {set(target, key, val) { console.log('set trap triggered!') }})
fooProxy.bar = 'any value' // as expected: set trap triggered!
foo.method() // trap not triggered
Why does this happen? How can triggering trap be enforced even from inside target object?
Edit, mainly in order to explain this to @Bergi:
My main goal is to intercept any changes to foo object, so i can set property e.g. foo.changed to true. Also, I want intercept changes to foo's properties which have array/object type. You know, if I am setting foo's property, everything is ok, but when I e.g. push to one that is array, then proxy cannot intercept that. So I need to convert array/object properties to proxies too (I called them ArrayProxy and ObjectProxy).
Here's my code (typescript):
// Category.ts
class Category extends Model {
title: string = ''
products: Product[] = []
// Model.ts
abstract class Model extends BaseModel {
constructor() {
return new Proxy(this, {
set (target, key, val) {
if (Array.isArray(val) {
target[key] = new ArrayProxy(val) // I WANT all array properties to be ArrayProxy but the problem (see below) not let me do that
// BaseModel.ts
abstract class BaseModel {
constructor(attributes) {
setAttributes(attributes) {
Object.keys(attributes).forEach((key) => {
this[key] = attributes[key] // THE PROBLEM
I've removed code, that does not matter (e.g. similar case for object properties and ObjectProxy).
I will appreciate very much, if there is more elegant way to do what I've done.
The set trap is not triggered because the this
that you are accessing within method()
is not the proxy but the original object foo
. A proxy does not change the original object. You can see this by checking what this
is inside method()
let foo = {
method () {
return this === fooProxy
let fooProxy = new Proxy(foo, {})
document.write(foo.method()) //=> false
You could instead explicitly set the context of method()
on invocation by using Function#call
let foo = {bar: 'baz', method() { this.bar = 'baz2' }}
let fooProxy = new Proxy(foo, {set(target, key, val) { console.log('set trap triggered!') }})
fooProxy.bar = 'any value' //=> set trap triggered!
foo.method.call(fooProxy) //=> set trap triggered!