Search code examples

Wordpress shortcode acceps only default attributes

The problem is that when I insert my shortcode into PageBuilder only the default value is excepted. The code is like this:

function Insert_Download($attr) {
    $z = shortcode_atts(array(
        'link_file' => 'xxxx',
        'link_class' => 'e-countries__link',
        'svg_path' => '#download',
        'svg_class' => 'e-countries__link-svg'
    ), $attr);
    $download = '<a class="'. esc_attr($z["link_class"]) . '" href="'. get_template_directory_uri(). '/' . esc_attr($z["link_file"]) . '" download>' . esc_html__('Download', 'fbstax-theme') . '<svg class="' . esc_attr($z["svg_class"]) .'" style="width:20px; height: 20px; margin-left: 20px"><use xlink:href=' . get_template_directory_uri(). '/img/svg/sprite.svg' . esc_attr($z["svg_path"]) . '></use></svg>'.'</a>';
    return $download;
add_shortcode( 'InsertDownload', 'Insert_Download' );

So in my PageBuilder I insert this

[InsertDownload linkPath='downloads/poland/code_of_commercial_companies_in_poland.pdf']

But outcome attribute href looks like like this:


What is wrong?


  • You replace linkPath to link_file

    [InsertDownload link_file='downloads/poland/code_of_commercial_companies_in_poland.pdf']