For example you have a command where the second argument is a directory plus file name:
String fileName = "createF dir/text.txt";
String textToFile="apples, oranges";
How can I create "dir/text.txt", a folder called dir, a txtfile and write the contents of textToFile to it?
The issue is it is a command. And it is file name can be changed to another file name. I can't use FileWriter
method. It gives no directory error.
If you're using java 7 or above you can try java.nio.file package. Example code:
try {
String fileName = "createF dir/text.txt";
String textToFile="apples, oranges";
String directoryPath = fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf(" ")+1, fileName.lastIndexOf('/'));
String filePath = fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf(" ")+1, fileName.length());
Files.write(Paths.get(filePath), textToFile.getBytes());
catch (IOException e){}