I have an issue with the subtraction of two values. when I set discount_amt value to 2.5 then total return me 0.5 but when discount_amt is set to 2.6 it return 0.3999999999999999 instead of 0.4 why?
var total = parseFloat('3').toFixed(1);
var discount_amt = parseFloat('2.6').toFixed(1);
total = total - discount_amt;
var total = parseFloat('3').toFixed(1);
var discount_amt = parseFloat('2.6').toFixed(1);
total = total - discount_amt;
This seems to fix it. You forget parsefloat() and tofixed()
total = 3;
discount_amt = 2.6;
console.log(parseFloat(total).toFixed(1) + ' ' + parseFloat(discount_amt).toFixed(1));
total = parseFloat(total).toFixed(1) - parseFloat(discount_amt).toFixed(1);
Explanation why floats are handled this way: answer or directly to the link that answer refers to link