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Showing message of the week's day

I am trying to implement a small script, to display in order the messages form an array, for every week's day is another array. I started it but I got stuck. The code is

let daySun = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let dayMon = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let dayTue = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let dayWed = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let dayThu = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let dayFri = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];
let daySat = ['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'];

let dayWeek = new Date().getDay();
//How to get

// 1. to compare name of the day with above arrays
// 2. if today is Sun, then messages from daySun array to be displayed in  order
// 3. and so on for every day of the week
// 4. I want to add fadeIn or fadeOut, or a animate class from  animate.min.css


//html for messages is <p id="day-msg"></p>


  • Done refer js fiidle


      <link rel="stylesheet"
      href="[email protected]/animate.min.css">
      <!-- or -->
    <h1 class="animated infinite fadeOut" id="day-msg"></h1>

    java script

    let day ={"sun":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"mon":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"Tue":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"wed":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"thu":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"fri":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4'],"sat":['msg1','msg2','msg3','msg4']};
    let dayName = new Date().toString().split(' ')[0].toLowerCase()
    currentIndex = 0;
    document.getElementById("day-msg").innerHTML = day[dayName][currentIndex++];
     if(currentIndex >= day[dayName].length){
       currentIndex= 0;