I'm trying to parse the date returned as a value from the HTML5 datetime
input field. Try it in Opera to see an example. The date returned looks like this: 2011-05-03T11:58:01Z
I'd like to parse that into a Java Date or Calendar Object.
Ideally a solution should have the following things:
Just found that google implemented Rfc3339 parser in Google HTTP Client Library
Tested. It works well to parse varies sub seconds time fragment.
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Date;
import com.google.api.client.util.DateTime;
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter
public void test1e9Parse() {
String timeStr = "2018-04-03T11:32:26.553955473Z";
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parseRfc3339(timeStr);
long millis = dateTime.getValue();
String result = formatter.format(new Date(millis).toInstant());
assert result.equals("2018-04-03T11:32:26.553Z");
public void test1e3Parse() {
String timeStr = "2018-04-03T11:32:26.553Z";
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parseRfc3339(timeStr);
long millis = dateTime.getValue();
String result = formatter.format(new Date(millis).toInstant());
assert result.equals("2018-04-03T11:32:26.553Z");
public void testEpochSecondsParse() {
String timeStr = "2018-04-03T11:32:26Z";
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parseRfc3339(timeStr);
long millis = dateTime.getValue();
String result = formatter.format(new Date(millis).toInstant());
assert result.equals("2018-04-03T11:32:26.000Z");