I used Entity Framework 4.0 for creating my Data Access Layer. Then I found that my Business Logic Layer has the same objects as DAL but with some extensions (i.e, more properties, some functions, and data validation at setters...).
I planned to have DAL and BLL in separate projects and was looking for best practice to use entity classes in BLL and prevent redundancy in code.
As I searched and there are two major ideas:
Disadvantages for above solutions:
My question is why we simply doesn't inherit our BLL classes from relevant entity classes and extend/override their methods and properties ?
One thing that you need to keep in mind is that ORM's like the Entity Framework don't actually create a simple data access layer (when viewed through the general 3-tier architecture). What they give you is much more of a business layer with a slightly more granular level of control over the data access interaction. I think it can be argued that EF essentially becomes your DAL and the context and entity types can be the BLL.
The line's a lot easier to see when viewed through more of an MVC or MVVM architecture, where you have a model (your EF layer), a controller or viewmodel (where the business logic sits, which encapsulates the model), and a view.
Anyhow, because EF actually has to instantiate the entity types directly, inheriting wouldn't do you much good because EF won't use your subtype as the returned entity. The solution for validation and similar tasks in EF is to make use of both partial classes (which you obviously know about) and partial methods. The default code-generation templates in EF produce partial methods for all scalar properties for OnPROPERTYNAMEChanging
For instance, if you have an int UserId
property on your User
entity type, you can create a partial class that looks like this:
public partial class User
partial void OnUserIdChanging(int newUserId)
// do something
partial void OnUserIdChanged()
// do something
You can, of course, only use one or the other if you like. The advantage that partial methods would have over an inherited call (assuming it was even possible) is that partial methods are non-virtual (so there's no virtual table lookup to call the correct member) and are only compiled as part of the class if there's an actual implementation.
In other words, even though you can go into the designer code and see the declarations for
partial void OnUserIdChanging(int value);
partial void OnUserIdChanged();
If you don't actually add a method body to the function, then the C# compiler completely removes the function and all calls to it from the code, as if it had never been there in the first place. This makes the types smaller and the calls to other properties faster, since it won't have to bother with calling an empty function.