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Polymer 2.0 Access Element Inside of Nested Template by Id

Polymer provides access to elements by id via this.$['foo']. However, I find that I am unable to access elements by id that are in nested templates.

     <vaadin-dialog id="dialog" >
     <work-order-new  id="workordernew" on-submitted="_onWorkOrderSubmitted"> </work-order-new>

In this situation this.$.dialog works but this.$.workordernew does not. Are you able to access elements inside of a nested template by id and if so how?

I also tried both of approches below and they also didn't work .



I saw a lot of answers for this question but none of them solved my problem.


  • The issue you're facing is not strictly a Polymer issue, but more a reflection of what Vaadin is doing behing the scenes.

    When the vaadin-dialog element is created the actual contents of the template are copied in an other element - vaadin-dialog-overlay - rather than staying in the original element.

    The overlay element is inserted at the document level, so you can grab it querying for it:

    let vaadinOverlay = document.querySelector('vaadin-dialog-overlay');

    Once you have the overlay it's easy to get to your work-order-new element:

    let workOrder = vaadinOverlay.$.content.querySelector('#workordernew');

    The real question would be in this case: why are you trying to access your elements directly?

    Usually, when working with components, getting to the point when you need to directly access a component is usually a good indication that there is something broken in the design of the application.

    <base href="^2.0.0/components/">
    <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="vaadin-dialog/vaadin-dialog.html">
    <link rel="import" href="vaadin-button/vaadin-button.html">
    <dom-module id="my-element">
        <vaadin-dialog opened>
            <work-order-new id="workorder"></work-order-new>
    <dom-module id="work-order-new">
        <h4>Work Order</h4>
        <input type="text" id="inputbox" value="Default Value">
      // Extend Polymer.Element base class
      class MyElement extends Polymer.Element {
        static get is() {
          return 'my-element';
        constructor() {
        connectedCallback() {
           * Fetch the reference to the overlay.
          let vaadinOverlay = document.querySelector('vaadin-dialog-overlay');
           * Fetch the reference to the `work-order-new` element.
          let workOrder = vaadinOverlay.$.content.querySelector('#workorder');
           * Wait for the overlay to be setup, this is just to show
           * that we can now use the reference to the `work-order-new`
           * element.
          setTimeout(() => {
            let inputBox = workOrder.$.inputbox;
            inputBox.value = `Changed from my-element`;
          }, 1500);
      customElements.define(, MyElement);
      class WorkOrderNewElement extends Polymer.Element {
        static get is() {
          return 'work-order-new';
        constructor() {
        connectedCallback() {
      customElements.define(, WorkOrderNewElement);