I want to have a method that loops through an ArrayList and based on it's content dynamically generate x amount of Keyed Filters
List<KeyedFilter> filters = new ArrayList<KeyedFilter>();
for (String a: b) {
filters.add(generateKeyedFilterFromList(a.key, a.value, a.buckets);
private KeyedFilter (generateKeyedFilterFromList(String key, String value, String[] buckets) {
KeyedFilter filter = new KeyedFilter(key,
QueryBuilder(value, buckets));
this return the list of KeyedFilters just fine, however I have yet to find a way to apply it to AggregationBuilder (String, KeyedFilter...)
AggregationBuilder agg = AggregationBuilders.filter("filterName", filters);
tried an array
KeyedFilter[] filterArray = new KeyedFilter[filters.size()];
filterArray = filters.toArray(filterArray);
AggregationBuilder agg = AggregationBuilders.filter("filterName", filterArray); // honestly I am not completely sure why this doesn't work here
Apologies for answering my own question, but in case anyone else is interested. The above actually does work, it was another error that was causing it to fail.