For example, if I'm coding jQuery in vim, and I have this in insert mode ("|" is the current cursor position):
...and I hit enter, I would like to get this:
...while currently, I'm getting this:
The same thing happens with function definitions in PHP. Is there a way to automatically insert the extra new line and indent the cursor position when hitting enter inside braces like that?
(Apologies if this has been asked before - it seems like a common request but I searched for awhile and couldn't find it.)
I ended up just hardcoding this into .vimrc, as follows
" Make it so that a curly brace automatically inserts an indented line
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O<BS><Tab>
It would seem like the <BS><Tab>
parts aren't necessary, but for some reason it wasn't indenting correctly like the O command usually does, so I had to add it.