I have the following code and it always retrieves all documents, as if the filter is not being applied. Using angular@5.2.0 and angularfire2@5.0.0-rc.6
loads$: Observable<Load[]>;
status$: BehaviorSubject<string|null>;
this.loads$ = this.status$.switchMap(status =>
afs.collection<Load>('loads', ref => {
let query : firebase.firestore.Query = ref;
query.where('status', '==', status);
return query;
The database is setup this way https://i.sstatic.net/vOyjL.png
I update the status observable via:
filterByStatus(status: string) {
I had this code sitting inside a subscription. All I did was moved it over to the component constructor and it started working. Found out I can use combineLatest() to do what I wanted to do.