I want to add some panel dynamically into a single panel on a button click. And each dynamic panel consist of multiple text box in horizontally. And then I want to save those text box value into the database.
I have completed to add dynamic panel and horizontal multiple text box into that panel. But couldn't know how to save them into database.
Here is the code I have written:
int v = 0;
TextBox txt1;
TextBox txt2;
TextBox txt3;
TextBox txt4;
TextBox txt5;
ComboBox cmb4;
public void tett()
v = 0;
Panel whitePanel = new Panel();
whitePanel.Name = "wt";
// Quantity
txt1 = new TextBox();
txt1.Location = new Point(192, 38);
txt1.Size = new Size(120, 24);
txt1.Name = "text" + v ;
txt1.Text = txt1.Name;
v = v + 1;
// Total Price
txt2 = new TextBox();
txt2.Location = new Point(566, 38);
txt2.Size = new Size(120, 24);
txt2.Name = "text" + v;
txt2.Text = txt2.Name;
txt2.TextChanged += Txt2_TextChanged;
v = v + 1;
// Unit Price
txt3 = new TextBox();
txt3.Location = new Point(753, 38);
txt3.Size = new Size(120, 24);
txt3.Name = "text" + v;
txt3.Text = txt3.Name;
v = v + 1;
// Sell Price
txt4 = new TextBox();
txt4.Location = new Point(903, 38);
txt4.Size = new Size(120, 24);
txt4.Name = "text" + v;
txt4.Text = txt4.Name;
v = v + 1;
// Product
txt5 = new TextBox();
txt5.Location = new Point(5, 38);
txt5.Size = new Size(120, 24);
txt5.Name = "text" + v;
txt5.Text = txt5.Name;
txt5.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
txt5.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
txt5.MouseClick += textBox5_MouseClick;
Label lbl3 = new Label();
Label lbl4 = new Label();
Label lbl5 = new Label();
Label lbl6 = new Label();
Label lbl7 = new Label();
Label lbl8 = new Label();
lbl3.Location = new Point(5, 15);
lbl3.Text = "Product";
lbl4.Location = new Point(192, 15);
lbl4.Text = "Quantity";
lbl5.Location = new Point(379, 15);
lbl5.Text = "Unit";
lbl6.Location = new Point(566, 15);
lbl6.Text = "Total Price";
lbl7.Location = new Point(753, 15);
lbl7.Text = "Unit Purchase Price";
lbl8.Location = new Point(903, 15);
lbl8.Text = "Unit Sell Price";
cmb4 = new ComboBox();
// Unit
cmb4.Location = new Point(379, 38);
cmb4.Size = new Size(120, 24);
whitePanel.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ECF0F5");
whitePanel.Location = new Point(1, a * 10);
whitePanel.Size = new Size(1330, 60);
var _button = new Button();
_button.Text = "Dispose";
_button.Name = "DisposeButton";
_button.Location = new Point(1053, 38);
_button.MouseClick += _button_MouseClick;
a = a + 5;
v = v + 1;
In this way the output is like this..... By click on the New Purchase this multiple panel with text box will appear:
Multiple dynamic panel with multiple text box
Here the way of setting text box name is not seems better way to me. I want to use an array for set the name of text boxes.
And after all I want to save those values into db by click on the save button using an array or for loop... But I don't know how to define it..
Can anyone please help me?
And thanks in advance
With this approach, a gridview is usefull. But within your question, the approach is;
int rowNum = 1;
public void tett() {
Control[] controlsToAdd = { new TextBox(), new TextBox(), new ComboBox(), new TextBox(), new TextBox(), new TextBox(), new Button() };
string[] labels = { "Product", "Quantity", "Unit", "Total Price", "Unit Purchase", "Unit Sell Price" };
Panel whitePanel = new Panel() {
Name = "wt",
Dock = DockStyle.Top,
AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink,
AutoSize = true,
Padding = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5),
BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ECF0F5")
int controlX = 5, controlY = 15, controlDistance = 15;
for (int i = 0; i < controlsToAdd.Length; i++) {
if (labels.Length > i) {
var label = new Label() {
Text = labels[i],
Location = new Point(controlX, controlY)
var control = controlsToAdd[i];
control.Location = new Point(controlX, controlY + 23);
control.Size = new Size(120, 24);
if (control is Button) {
control.Name = "disposeButton" + i;
control.Text = "Dispose";
control.Click += _button_MouseClick;
} else {
if(i == 0) { //if it is the Product textbox
((TextBox)control).AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
((TextBox)control).AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
//control.MouseClick += textBox5_MouseClick;
control.Name = "Text" + i;
control.Text = "Row" + rowNum + " Text" + i;
controlX += 120 + controlDistance;
private void _button_MouseClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//button does its job here
public SqlConnection Conn { get; }
void save() {
foreach(Panel whitePanel in panel1.Controls) {
var sqlString = "INSERT INTO products(productField, quantityField, unitField, priceField, purchaseField, sellPriceField) VALUES (";
foreach (Control control in whitePanel.Controls) {
if(!(control is Label) && !(control is Button)) { //So, textbox or combobox remained
sqlString += "'"+ control.Text +"', ";
sqlString = sqlString.Substring(0, sqlString.Length - 2) + ")";
//Assume you have previous construction of SqlConnection as name "Conn"
if (Conn != null) {
if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) Conn.Open();
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlString, Conn)) {
I have tested and works as expected. If it is not suit your needs, make me know.