I have seen elixir modules named this way:
defmodule Foo.bar.baz do
But I can't find any documentation stating when to do this.
Does it have to do with subdirectories? Using mix, I can put my modules in subdirectories within the lib folder, and they work fine without dots.
For example:
# this is in /lib/foo/bar
defmodule Bar do
What is the convention?
There's nothing special about .
. You can give a module any name you want as long as it's a valid atom, including e.g. whitespace:
iex(1)> defmodule :"hello world!!!" do
...(1)> def hi, do: :ok
...(1)> end
iex(2)> :"hello world!!!".hi
You're also not required to name the modules the same as the file/folder they're in. You can define any module in any .ex
file inside lib
and they'll be available to the whole application and iex
The convention, if a file declares a single module at the top level, is to name it based on its path, excluding lib
, converting each path segment to capital case. For example, lib/foo/bar/baz.ex
usually defines a module named Foo.Bar.Baz