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How to get List item's attribute in context menu's selection? Telerik

I am working with ASP.NET and I have two RadListBox. Data in first box is populated from database using RadListBoxItem and I have set an attribute for each item. In the second box, I've enabled custom context menu. After I adding the item from first box to second box, user can select some option using the context menu. On context menu selection, I need to get the Attribute I set before and update the attribute value according to the context menu selection so I can used it for later process.Currently, I unable to even read the attributes I set previously using the context menu's javascript. Please guide how to read ListItem's attribute and update the attribute to a new value.

This is how I add the item to the first box with attribute from code behind.

this._sortingList = new List<Sorting>();
this._sortingList = DBConnection.getSortingList();

foreach (var s in this._sortingList)
    RadListBoxItem item = new RadListBoxItem();
    item.Text = s.Description;
    item.Value = s.Id.ToString();
    item.Attributes["myorder"] = "0";

This is custom context menu javascript.

function showContextMenu(sender, e) {
var menu = $find("<%= cm1.ClientID %>");
var rawEvent = e.get_domEvent().rawEvent;;


function onItemClicked(sender, e) {
var listBox = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");
var listItem = listBox.get_selectedItem();
var menuItem = e.get_item();
if (menuItem.get_text() == "Ascending"){
else if (menuItem.get_text() == "Descending") {

The context menu's if else statement is working. I tested with some random alert and it can work. Sorry for my English.


  • Add the following property to RadListBox.


    Declare a RadContenxtMenu as follows.

    <telerik:RadContextMenu ID="cmEdit" runat="server" OnClientItemClicked="cm_ClientItemClicked" Skin="Vista">
            <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Edit" Value="e">

    Add a hidden field to get the client ID.

    <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCmSelectedList" />

    Finally add the JS to handle it.

    function list_ClientContextMenu(sender, e) {
        var menu = $find("<%= cmEdit.ClientID %>");
        var rawEvent = e.get_domEvent().rawEvent;;
        var listName = sender.get_id();
        if (listName.indexOf('listEmail') != -1) {
            $get("<%= hdnCmSelectedList.ClientID %>").value = 'pe';
    function cmEditAdmin_ClientItemClicked(sender, e) {
                $find("<%= RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page).ClientID %>").ajaxRequestWithTarget("<%= lnkBtnEdit.UniqueID %>", '');

    Add a button with click handler as well.

    <asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkBtnEdit" OnClick="lnkBtnEdit_Click"></asp:LinkButton>

    Now in the code behind.

    protected void lnkBtnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadListBoxItem item;
        switch (hdnCmSelectedList.Value)
        case "pe":
            item = list.SelectedItem;
            if (item != null)
                comboPendingDurationEmail.FindItemByValue(item.Attributes["myorder"]).Selected = true;

    Let me know, how that works out.