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Using the Google Firebase app deployment with Aurelia how do you setup and deploy just the packed assets?

Currently I am trying to setup a successful configuration with Aurelia and Google Firebase. The intent is to deploy just the compiled assets as a Google Firebase app.

I am a newbie with these new web frameworks since I am recently entering the world of compiled NodeJS apps and was wondering how these frameworks can coexist nicely and be deployed with the minified HTML, CSS, and JS.

Also, I have been using the Aurelia CLI up to now according to their documentation examples, but I don't know if this will work for Firebase deploys.

And Lastly, do I need to keep the Aurelia and Firebase directories separate, or can I just install aurelia-cli and the firebase-tools in the same app space safely?


  • You'll need to deploy the compiled assets, which means either:

    1. Changing the platform.output property to match the public path in the hosting config of firebase.json, or
    2. Do the reverse and change the public directory in firebase.json to match the existing output path (likely dist)