I need to create a dir when i deploy my web-application. This dir will contain the profilepics of all users.
public class ImageBootstrapper {
public static void initialise(ServletContextEvent sce) {
boolean mkDir = new File(sce.getServletContext().getRealPath("webapps").replace('\\','/') + "/profilePictures").mkdir();
result: The creation of the dir ("profilePictures") failed.. path he uses: C:/apache-tomcat-7.0.6/webapps/spring-1/webapps/profilePictures
What i need: Creation of the dir ("profilePictures") at this path -> C:/apache-tomcat-7.0.6/webapps/spring-1/profilePictures
spring-1 is the application context
You can simply do this:
boolean mkDir = new File(