I can delete an elements with splice but in map cicle index is already known.
if ($(this).hasClass("saveFavoriteMedia")) {
saveId = $(this).attr("data-id");
listFavoriteMedia.map(function (x) {
if (x.id == saveId) {
//delete x.id; // Work but not delete totaly elements
listFavoriteMedia.splice(index, x.id); //index in already know
You can use 2nd parameter of map
's callback funciton - index
listFavoriteMedia.map(function (x,i) { //i is the index
if (x.id == saveId) {
listFavoriteMedia.splice(i, 1); //observe that 1 is given as second parameter of splice to give count of items to be deleted
Or if the id
is unique, use findIndex
var index = listFavoriteMedia.findIndex( s => s.id == saveId );
listFavoriteMedia.splice(index, 1);
If your browser doesn't support arrow function, then
var index = listFavoriteMedia.findIndex( function(s){ return s.id == saveId });
listFavoriteMedia.splice(index, 1);