I created a program to get an API response from a URL.
But for some reason it's printing it out in one long line. Is there any way to print it out the way I see it in postman? I guess what I mean is if there is a way to see the response from the API server printed out line by line instead of one long line.
ResponseBody body = response.getBody();
System.out.println("Response Body is: " + body.asString());
The server response is
[RemoteTestNG] detected TestNG version 6.13.1
Status code is 200
Response Body is:
{"request_id":"Z36ec5ee76a4788bfe83655edbbe9f0","status":"OK","data":{ONE LONG STRING OF DATA WITH NO END IN SIGHT!}
You can use prettyPrint method of Response class. Status you will have to print.