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Limit join to one row using knex

I am trying to fetch data from two tables using a join. The problem is forum_posts will contain several items with the same thread_id. I would only like to get the first one, either by id or by creating date.

function getByGroup(groupId) {
    return knex('forum_threads')
        .select('', 'forum_threads.updated_at', 'forum_posts.content')
        .where('forum_threads.group_id', '=', groupId)
        .leftJoin('forum_posts', function() {
            this.on('forum_posts.thread_id', '=', '');
        .orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
        .then(function(threads) {
            return threads;

I would like to add a limit(1) or a min to the join but not entirely sure how to do it.


  • You need to add a filter like the following to your left join criteria:

    .andOn('forum_posts.created_at', '=', knex.raw("(select min(created_at) from forum_posts where forum_posts.thread_id ="))

    This says to include the forum post record (as a left join match) if it has the minimum updated_at value for that id.

    The full code. The below code isn't tested, although I did test the above snippet in a piece of my code.

    function getByGroup(groupId) {
      return knex('forum_threads')
        .select('', 'forum_threads.updated_at', 'forum_posts.content')
        .where('forum_threads.group_id', '=', groupId)
        .leftJoin('forum_posts', function() {
            this.on('forum_posts.thread_id', '=', '')
                /* The new line here */
                .andOn('forum_posts.created_at', '=', knex.raw("(select min(created_at) from forum_posts where forum_posts.thread_id ="))
        .orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
        .then(function(threads) {
            return threads;


    PS: You didn't ask, but something I find very helpful when debugging Knex is the .on() query reporting clauses:

        // ...
        .orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
        /* your code above */
        .on('query', function(data) {
            // outputs the SQL query you generated & runtime data bindings.
        .on('query-error', function(error, obj) {
            // outputs the Knex failed query, data, etc.
            console.log("Error:", error);
            console.log("Object: ", obj);
        /* your code below */
        .then(function(threads) {
            return threads;