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How can I use TesseractOCRiOS with Spanish?

Of course I added the relevant Spanish files and I initialized it like this: G8Tesseract(language: "spa"); but it just keeps giving me the same error (which isn't even very clear). In English it works just fine, by the way; it's probably an issue with the data files, but I couldn't find more of them. Any ideas or something?:(

Tesseract error


  • You are using the wrong data file. Tesseract for iOS doesn't support Tesseract's last version. You must look for the TESSERDATA files for version 3.02. If you use newer files you get that error.

    Take the files for Tesseract ver. 3.02 from here: tesserdata files. At the bottom of the page you'll find the files to download.

    Test it in Tesseract-only mode. CUBE doesn't always work with non English languages.