I read the doc here : https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/cordova-sdk but it's totally not clear !
I try severals test nothing, I event test to get the title but still nothing
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
// Enable to debug issues.
// window.plugins.OneSignal.setLogLevel({logLevel: 4, visualLevel: 4});
var notificationOpenedCallback = function(jsonData) {
alert('notificationCallback: ' + JSON.stringify(jsonData)); => json data
alert('Title : '+ JSON.stringify(jsonData.payload.title)); => nothing
alert('Title2 : '+ jsonData.payload.title); => nothing
alert('Additional data: '+ jsonData.payload.additionalData); => nothing
}, false);
How to retrieve this data..
After multiple debugs on my app, I finally found the application. The JSON structure of jsonData is :
notification: {
payload: {
title: "YOUR_TITLE",
body: "BODY",
additionalData: {
So to retrieve your data :