I have a scenario in which an admin is able to approve or reject a Users request to join a specific Module in my system. So I use a helper to find all the Modules for which the Admin manages in the Modules Collection and I list each request for each Module, with a button to Approve and a button Reject each request.
Module Collection
"_id": "hcHJW2A8g8QoqvPmC",
"year": "1",
"courseId": "5aaeca852edb669c9e4b456a",
"moduleName": "System Analysis",
"logo": "https://ijnet.org/sites/default/files/images/migrate/2010-09-29/25647.jpg",
"requested": [
"name": "aor88"
"name": "Create"
"rejected": [],
"approved": [],
"admin_id": "Ad6emWNAqZY2oYneW"
templates > admin.html
<template name="admin">
{{#if modules}}
{{ #each module in modules }}
<div class="row">
<h4 id="modulename" >{{module.moduleName}}</h4>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6">
{{ #each request in module.requested }}
<div class="card-style">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 id="username">{{request.name}}</h4>
<input type="submit" title="Reject" id="rejectScenarioButton" value="Reject"/>
<input type="submit" title="Approve" id="approveScenarioButton" value="Approve"/>
<h1>There is currently no join requests</h1>
helpers> admin.js
modules: function() {
modules = Modules.find(
admin_id: Meteor.userId()
$exists: true,
$not: {$size: 0}
sort: {moduleName:-1}
return modules
Everything to this step is working as expected. My problem occurs when I try handle the data using click events. I am trying to extract the Module Name and User Name and then handle them in my click event. So In my example below I was expecting this.name
to return the username, but it returns undefined.
"click input[type=submit]": function(e, t) {
if ($(e.target).prop("id") == "approveScenarioButton") {
return false
} else if ($(e.target).prop("id") == "rejectScenarioButton") {
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In an event handler, the this
keyword points to the template's datacontext (or window
if there is none). The data context of the admin template is not a single request object. There's a few ways you could do this but it might be better in the long run to create a new Request
Template and attach the handler there:
{{#each request in module.requested}}
{{> Request data=request}}
Request Template:
<template name="Request">
<div class="card-style">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 id="username">{{name}}</h4>
<input type="submit" title="Reject" id="rejectScenarioButton" value="Reject"/>
<input type="submit" title="Approve" id="approveScenarioButton" value="Approve"/>
(I'd recommend replacing the id
s on the submit inputs with classes - use those in your event key.)
Request Template helpers/events:
'click input[type=submit]'(e, t) {
// `this` contains the data from the request object passed into the
// template during each iteration