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window.crypto.subtle.encrypt returns undefined

I am trying to encrypt a text using the Web Crypto API. The following is my code:

const generatedIv = generateIv();
let generatedKey;
  .then(key => {
    generatedKey = key;
    encryptData(encodeText(JSON.stringify(data)), generatedKey, generatedIv);
  }).then(encrypted => {
    console.log(encrypted) // Always returns undefined?
    err => console.error(err)

function encodeText(data) {
  if ('TextEncoder' in window) {
    return new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(data);
  return undefined;

function generateIv() {
  return window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12));

function generateKey() {
  return window.crypto.subtle.generateKey({
    name: 'AES-GCM',
    length: 256
  }, true, [

function encryptData(data, key, iv) {
  return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({
    name: 'AES-GCM',
    iv: iv,
    tagLength: 128
  }, key, data);

For some reason, the console.log statement always prints out undefined. I've tried looking on the web for possible solutions, but I wasn't able to find any.

Is there something that I am doing wrong here? Thanks in advance! :)


  • const generatedIv = generateIv();
    let generatedKey;
      .then(key => {
        generatedKey = key;
        // you need to return something if you want the next .then to get anything
        return encryptData(encodeText("Hello World"), generatedKey, generatedIv);
      }).then(encrypted => {
        console.log("encrypted is an ArrayBuffer:", encrypted instanceof ArrayBuffer)
        err => console.error(err)
    function encodeText(data) {
      if ('TextEncoder' in window) {
        return new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(data);
      return undefined;
    function generateIv() {
      return window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12));
    function generateKey() {
      return window.crypto.subtle.generateKey({
        name: 'AES-GCM',
        length: 256
      }, true, [
    function encryptData(data, key, iv) {
      return window.crypto.subtle.encrypt({
        name: 'AES-GCM',
        iv: iv,
        tagLength: 128
      }, key, data);

    Running the above, you should see encrypted is an ArrayBuffer: true - because that's what you'd expect the encrypted result is, an ArrayBuffer ... so, huzzah - a simple return was all that was required, to return a value (in this case the promise returned by window.crypto.subtle.encrypt) to the next .then ... otherwise known as promise chaining

    Have a great day