I've migrated my java appengine project to Endpoints 2.0, I successfully tested it locally in dev environment so I deployed new version to appengine. I've tested newly deployed version with APis explorer (via -dot-.appspot.com/_ah/api/explorer) and with my Android client after changing root url (via setRootUrl), so far so good, everything works as expected I see valid calls to endpoints in GAE logs (using new _ah/api/ urls). So I've promoted this version to default so it will receive all traffic and this totally failed - each calls ends with 404 and in logs I see request via old _ah/spi urls). It's even mentioned in migration doc:
If requests are shown with having paths beginning with /_ah/api, then Endpoints Frameworks 2.0 is now serving your API. The logs should not show any requests with paths beginning with /_ah/spi. These requests indicate that the Cloud Endpoints 1.0 proxy is still serving requests.
but I have no idea how to change it.
There's an ongoing bug with a fix that should release soon, you can revert to the old version for now. For reference here's the link to bug in issue tracker