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Problem parsing currency text to decimal type

I am trying to parse a string like "$45.59" into a decimal. For some reason I am getting exception that the input was not in the correct format. I don't care about all the localization stuff because this is not going to be a global program. Here is what I am doing. Do you see any problems?

NumberFormatInfo MyNFI = new NumberFormatInfo(); 
MyNFI.NegativeSign = "-"; 
MyNFI.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; 
MyNFI.NumberGroupSeparator = ",";
MyNFI.CurrencySymbol = "$"; 
decimal d  = decimal.Parse("$45.00", MyNFI);    // throws exception here...


  • How about using:

    decimal d = decimal.Parse("$45.00", NumberStyles.Currency);

    The MSDN documentation on Decimal.Parse states:

    "The s parameter is interpreted using the NumberStyles.Number style. This means that white space and thousands separators are allowed but currency symbols are not. To explicitly define the elements (such as currency symbols, thousands separators, and white space) that can be present in s, use the Decimal.Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider) method