I have several service like that:
public SimpleService {
I have Managed Bean @ViewScoped which should create some complex objects. These objects should execute business-logic. I need to pass these services to this object.
Example of Managed Bean:
public class ExampleBean {
private SimpleService simpleService;
public void customLogic() {
// in this method I should create complex object which should have services and some data.
// current implementation
ComplexObject object = new ComplexObject(SimpleService simpleService, ...)
Services are injected to Managed Bean by @Inject annotation. For creating these objects - I'm using the constructor and pass these services as params. The question is: can I have better solution than passing services in constructor?
What you are doing is perfectly fine. You are using the ManagedBean as a bridge to inject the services and then passing the injected variables to a ComplexObject that need the services.
The only restriction that should be considered is, could the ComplexObject class be a ManagedBean itself? That way you could inject everything directly on it, but if it is not possible, you may use the bean for that.
I prefer the inject by field option mentioned because I think it is a little more readable.