I have a scenario where basically: - Authorized (JWT) user access my API - If user exists, info get synched with DB, if not, gets created - ETC ETC
My question is, how would I proceed creating this scenario? There's a lot (ok, 4) parameters that should be in the request, but I don't want to polute the scenario with information that can confuse a normal user reading the scenario.
This is what I have:
Scenario: Non Existent user access the API
Given an authorized user access the API
And user does not exist on API database
When user access the API
Then user details are added to API database
And user does exist on API database
A user accessing the api will have: email, auth0_id, nickname and name. Just not sure if I should code those info on the Scenario or somehow do it on the Context file.
Edit: Can I have some "parameters" to be set IN the Context file, instead of in the .feature file? i.e. On the feature file I say "Non existent user access the application" and inside the Context file, in the function associated with this step, I make sure I create a user that does not exist on the database and so on? Would this be a good way of keeping thinks separated from the .feature scenarios?
I would write it like this:
Scenario: API - new user access the API
Given I have a new user
When I access the API with the new user
Then the user is added to the API database
First step would generate the user details and save them in a variable, second would make the call to the api (using the saved variable and generate the JWT) and the last one will check the details in the api.
You can declare new
as parameter like:
@Then /^I access the API with the (new|other_user) user$/
Anyway, you should declare it as simple as possible in a manner that has sense to you can that you can easily reuse.