I am trying to implement the adjacency matrix in Java.
I am using an ArrayList for storing the vertex which is a letter label. And I build the matrix based on vertex index in ArrayList.
Let's say the undirected graph is
Store A, B in the array list.
And the matrix should be
May I ask what should I do to delete a vertex?
Currently, I removed all the edges from the vertex, for the next step, I have 2 ideas
Yeah, I'll implement bfs or some function like calculating the shorted path between 2 vertexes as well.
Thanks for any suggestions and any learning sources provided.
Here is my code:
public class AdjMatrix <T extends Object>
// List to store all vertexs
private ArrayList<T> vertList;
// graph in 2d array
private boolean[][] adjMatrix;
public AdjMatrix() {
vertList = new ArrayList<T>();
adjMatrix = new boolean[4000][4000];
public void addVertex(T vertLabel) {
public void addEdge(T srcLabel, T tarLabel) {
int srcIndex = vertList.indexOf(srcLabel);
int tarIndex = vertList.indexOf(tarLabel);
adjMatrix[srcIndex][tarIndex] = true;
adjMatrix[tarIndex][srcIndex] = true;
public ArrayList<T> neighbours(T vertLabel) {
ArrayList<T> neighbours = new ArrayList<T>();
int vertIndex = vertList.indexOf(vertLabel);
int[] vertEdges = adjMatrix[vertIndex];
for(int i = 0; i < vertEdges.length; i++){
return neighbours;
public void removeVertex(T vertLabel) {
// what should I do there?
ArrayList<T> neighbours = neighbours(vertLabel);
for (T neighbour: neighbours
) {
public void removeEdge(T srcLabel, T tarLabel) {
int srcIndex = vertList.indexOf(srcLabel);
int tarIndex = vertList.indexOf(tarLabel);
adjMatrix[srcIndex][tarIndex] = false;
adjMatrix[tarIndex][srcIndex] = false;
public void printVertices(PrintWriter os) {
String result = "";
for (T vert :
vertList) {
result += vert + " ";
public void printEdges(PrintWriter os) {
for (T vert :
vertList) {
ArrayList<T> neighbours = neighbours(vert);
for (T neighbour :
neighbours) {
os.println(vert + " " + neighbour);
What do you mean 'delete'?
If you really want to delete-delete, just delete the row and column for the node deleted, and renumber the remaining nodes.