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Mybatis, Enclosed OR with SQL builder

I cannot figure out how to get MyBatis to generate an enclosed or statement:

WHERE x.token = ? AND (
  (x.scene = 'A' OR x.scene = 'B'))

This is a surprisingly simple operation they've made very difficult. I can't find it in the JavaDoc:


  • It can't be done in the current version of mybatis (3.4.6).

    You can either use the whole subexpression like this:

    WHERE("x.token = ?");
    WHERE("(x.scene = 'A' OR x.scene = 'B')");

    or create you own function if you have many/variable number of operands to OR:

    WHERE("x.token = ?");
    WHERE(OR("x.scene = 'A'", "x.scene = 'B'"));

    Where OR is defined (using guava Joiner) as:

    Joiner OR_JOINER = Joiner.on(" OR ");
    private String OR(String ... operands) {
        return String.format("(%s)", OR_JOINER.join(operands));