I would like to achieve following scenario in my application:
I am able (see the code below) to delay the message for a certain amount of time in a deadLetter Queue. And the message is looped infinitely between the incoming Queue and the deadLetter Queue. So far so good.
The main question: How can I intercept the process and manually route the message (as described in the step 3) to the parkingLot Queue for later further analysis?
A secondary question: Can I achieve the same process with only one exchange?
Here is a shortened version of my two classes:
Configuration class
public class MailRabbitMQConfig {
TopicExchange incomingExchange() {
TopicExchange incomingExchange = new TopicExchange(incomingExchangeName);
return incomingExchange;
TopicExchange dlExchange() {
TopicExchange dlExchange = new TopicExchange(deadLetterExchangeName);
return dlExchange;
Queue incomingQueue() {
return QueueBuilder.durable(incomingQueueName)
public Queue parkingLotQueue() {
return new Queue(parkingLotQueueName);
Binding incomingBinding() {
return BindingBuilder
public Queue dlQueue() {
return QueueBuilder
.withArgument("x-message-ttl", 10000)
.withArgument("x-dead-letter-exchange", incomingExchange()
Binding dlBinding() {
return BindingBuilder
public Binding bindParkingLot(
Queue parkingLotQueue,
TopicExchange dlExchange
) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(parkingLotQueue)
Consumer class
public class Consumer {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Consumer.class);
@RabbitListener(queues = "${mail.rabbitmq.queue.incoming}")
public Boolean receivedMessage(MailDataExternalTemplate mailDataExternalTemplate) throws Exception {
try {
// business logic here
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Failed to handle a business logic");
return Boolean.TRUE;
I know I could define an additional listener for a deadLetter Queue in a Consumer class like that:
@RabbitListener(queues = "${mail.rabbitmq.queue.deadletter}")
public void receivedMessageFromDlq(Message failedMessage) throws Exception {
// Logic to count x-retries header property value and send a failed message manually
// to the parkingLot Queue
However it does not work as expected because this listener is called as soon as the message arrives the head of the deadLetter Queue without to be delayed.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I was able with @ArtemBilan and @GaryRussell help to solve the problem. The main solution hints are within their comments in the accepted answer. Thank you guys for the help! Below you will find a new diagram that shows the messaging process and the Configuration and the Consumer classes. The main changes were:
classConfiguration class
public class MailRabbitMQConfig {
public MailConfigurationProperties properties;
TopicExchange incomingExchange() {
TopicExchange incomingExchange = new TopicExchange(properties.getRabbitMQ().getExchange().getIncoming());
return incomingExchange;
TopicExchange dlExchange() {
TopicExchange dlExchange = new TopicExchange(properties.getRabbitMQ().getExchange().getDeadletter());
return dlExchange;
Queue incomingQueue() {
return QueueBuilder.durable(properties.getRabbitMQ().getQueue().getIncoming())
public Queue parkingLotQueue() {
return new Queue(properties.getRabbitMQ().getQueue().getParkingLot());
Binding incomingBinding() {
return BindingBuilder
public Queue dlQueue() {
return QueueBuilder
Binding dlBinding() {
return BindingBuilder
public Binding bindParkingLot(
Queue parkingLotQueue,
TopicExchange dlExchange
) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(parkingLotQueue)
Consumer class
public class Consumer {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Consumer.class);
public MailConfigurationProperties properties;
protected EmailClient mailJetEmailClient;
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
@RabbitListener(queues = "${mail.rabbitmq.queue.incoming}")
public Boolean receivedMessage(
@Payload MailDataExternalTemplate mailDataExternalTemplate,
Message amqpMessage
) {
logger.info("Received message");
try {
final EmailTransportWrapper emailTransportWrapper = mailJetEmailClient.convertFrom(mailDataExternalTemplate);
logger.info("Successfully sent an E-Mail");
} catch (Exception e) {
int count = getXDeathCountFromHeader(amqpMessage);
logger.debug("x-death count: " + count);
if (count >= properties.getRabbitMQ().getMessages().getRetryCount()) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Failed to send an E-Mail");
return Boolean.TRUE;
private int getXDeathCountFromHeader(Message message) {
Map<String, Object> headers = message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders();
if (headers.get(properties.getRabbitMQ().getMessages().X_DEATH_HEADER) == null) {
return 0;
//noinspection unchecked
ArrayList<Map<String, ?>> xDeath = (ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>) headers
Long count = (Long) xDeath.get(0).get("count");
return count.intValue();
To delay message to be available in the queue, you should consider to use DelayedExchange
: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/2.0.2.RELEASE/reference/html/_reference.html#delayed-message-exchange.
As for manually sending to the parkingLot
queue, that's just easy to use RabbitTemplate
and send message using its name:
* Send a message to a default exchange with a specific routing key.
* @param routingKey the routing key
* @param message a message to send
* @throws AmqpException if there is a problem
void send(String routingKey, Message message) throws AmqpException;
All the queues are bound to the default exchange via their names as routing keys.