Inside my app.component , I have a background mode service which when shared via intent throws value to a behaviour Subject
Once logged In , I am setting the root to TabsPage
On Tabs Page , I have subscribed to the behaviour subject , so whenever I get a shared object , I process it and open a Modal displaying the required values. Initally when the app opens , everything works fine. But once we login/logout the problem occurs. On logging out , I am setting the root page as Login Page.
Then again on successful login setting root to Tabs Page
Now again if I share the values via intent multiple instances of the Modal are opening with the exact same values. I have checked for behaviour subject as being null/undefined but the subscribed value is Ok only . Logging the value from behaviour Subject inside the TabsPage , I found the same function (subscribed behaviour subject) is being called twice.
Again if I logout/login the Modal opens 3 times and the number continues to grow accordingly.
It sounds to me, that you are not remembering to unsubscribe, which means that the subscriptions increment each time. So whenever you leave a page, remember to unsubscribe to (all) your subscriptions. Since you are using Ionic, the ionViewWillLeave
hook would be a suitable place to unsubscribe... so declare a new Subscription on your page and...
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
// ...
mySubscription = new Subscription();
// ...
this.mySubscription = this.myService.mySubject.subscribe(....)
// ...
ionViewWillLeave() {