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Error calling drools REST API with data object contains a list

I'm running into an issue where I'm trying to call drools using the REST API and as part of my layload I'm passing the main data object, plus a 2nd data object which will be my response object. So, the idea is to have an empty response object in working memory that I can update. My XML looks something like this:

<batch-execution lookup="defaultStatelessKieSession">
<insert out-identifier="RequestData" return-object="true" entry-point="DEFAULT">
<insert out-identifier="ResponseData" return-object="false" entry-point="DEFAULT">
<fire-all-rules />
<query name="rulesResponses" out-identifier="rulesResponses" />

Where, in my data object "responseList" is defined as:

private java.util.List<java.lang.String> responseList

Because it's defined as a list I get the following error trying to call the API:

<msg>Error calling container TestContainer: No such field com.test.package.ResponseData.responseList

So, my question is....

How do I properly represent my List attribute in the request payload so that it properly instantiates the response object instead of throwing this error?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • This is no longer an issue as we have gone a different route.

    Marking question as answered.