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Security Policy errors with Automator running JavaScript with Safari

I'm using the following Automator script:

on run {input, parameters}
    set updateCount to 0
    read (item 1 of input)
    set ps to paragraphs of the result
    set tot to count ps
    set TLFile to (("Users:Admin:Desktop:") as text) & "titleList.txt"
    set TLLines to paragraphs of (read file TLFile as «class utf8»)
    set descFile to (("Users:Admin:Desktop:") as text) & "descList.txt"
    set DescLines to paragraphs of (read file descFile as «class utf8»)
    tell application "Safari"
    end tell
    repeat with i from 1 to tot
        set p to item i of ps
        if p is not "" then
                tell application "Safari"
                    tell front window
                        set r to make new tab with properties {URL:p}
                        set current tab to r
                        set titleVal to item i of TLLines
                        set descVal to item i of DescLines
                        set updateCount to updateCount + 1
                        do shell script "echo The value: " & updateCount
                        delay 12
                        do JavaScript "document.getElementsByName('title')[0].value = '" & titleVal & "'; document.getElementsByName('description')[1].value = '" & descVal & "'; 
                                      document.getElementsByClassName('save-changes-button')[0].click();" in current tab
                        delay 4
                        close current tab
                        if updateCount is equal to 10 then
                            say "hi"
                            set updateCount to 0
                            delay 90
                        end if
                        if i = tot then exit repeat
                            delay 4
                            get URL of r
                        end repeat
                    end tell
                end tell
            end try
        end if
    end repeat
end run

I've been able to run this script with YouTube on Safari a few months ago without problems. Now it is not performing the JavaScript actions. Errors show up in Safari's inspector:

  1. "The source list for Content Security Policy directive 'script-src' contains an invalid source: ''strict-dynamic''. It will be ignored. postmessageRelay:0"
  2. "Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' does not appear in the script-src directive of the Content Security Policy."

How can I bypass these errors so my script can run?


  • As error #2 in the question indicates, the fix to make the policy work in Safari for now is to change it to specify either a hash or nonce for the relevant script — or else add 'unsafe-inline'.

    In browsers that support 'strict-dynamic', the 'unsafe-inline' part will be ignored.

    The cause of both errors is that Safari doesn’t yet support 'strict-dynamic'. See the following:

    All that said, it’s not clear from the current information in the question where the CSP policy in force is actually specified. So unless you already know where that is, I guess the first step is to determine where the policy is specified, and change it there.