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jQuery - Blocking modal with spinning gif, without jQuery Block UI

On a bootstrap page, when we do some time-consuming task, we usually need a spinning GIF to indicate the process is underway, and block the operational part/changing UI components.

I know jQuery has a plugin called jQuery BlockUI for this specific task, but I am asking myself if we can do it without it, because introducing a plugin for a simple task seems to be a overkill.

Can we?


  • For a "lesser-dependency-better" programmer like me, I would not refuse to bring in new friends who can do one thing way better than myself; but, this simple task seems totally a valid trial for my JavaScript skill, because it is relatively easy. So, I spend one hour trying, and what I got was this:

    enter image description here

    So, it is possible only with jQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap 3.

    When I press a button, my code adds a blocking modal to a table, does a ajax call, and waits 0.5 seconds, then unblocks, in order to show the spinning gif(because it can be too quick to notice). Thanks for @NaveedButt in another question, I found to generate a customized gif with the theme color of my site.

    Throbber modal: (gif centered horizontally and vertically)

    <div id="throbber" class="modal" role="dialog" style="display:none; position:relative; opacity:0.6; background-color:white;">
        <img style="margin: 0 auto;
                    position: absolute;
                    top: 0; bottom: 0; left:0; right:0;
                    margin: auto;
                    display: block;" src="/static/images/spinning.gif" />

    The button:

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-lg-12">
            <div class="pull-right">
                <button type="button" id="reload" class="btn btn-primary pull-right-button" style="width: 120px;">Reload</button>

    JavaScript + jQuery:

    function block() {
        var body = $('#panel-body');
        var w = body.css("width");
        var h = body.css("height");
        var trb = $('#throbber');
        var position = body.offset(); // top and left coord, related to document
            width: w,
            height: h,
            opacity: 0.7,
            position: 'absolute',
            left:       position.left
    function unblock() {
        var trb = $('#throbber');
                type:       "GET",
                url:        "{% url 'scriptsList'%}",
                async:      false
            }, 500); //wait 0.5 second to see the spinning gif