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Is OLAP4J dead and is there a replacement equivalent?

Is OLAP4J (Java library for connecting to XMLA services) dead? The things that suggest it is are:

  • The web site hasn't been updated since 2013.
  • The last message on the dev mailling list was in May 2016.
  • The last available release build was 1.2.0, in 2016. There are more recent release tags, but the build artefacts haven't been uploaded to any Maven repository.

If it is dead, then is there a suitable replacement?


  • I am the original author of olap4j, and also own the domain. Development has certainly been slow recently, but I wouldn't say the project is dead. If people have pull requests to contribute, then I will be happy to commit them to the project and make new releases.

    I don't know of any alternatives to olap4j. The idea that you can connect to any XML/A-compliant OLAP engine via Java, get metadata in the same way that you would from a JDBC data source, and that your code depends only on the API, not a particular driver implementation, is still a good one.