In ECMA-262, version 5.x (aka. ECMAScript 5 | ES5), there used to be a section 13.2 called Creating Function Objects
I have been searching through the latest version of the standard, ECMAScript 2017 (aka. ECMAScript 8 | ES8), but cannot find a similar description.
Section 14.1 in ES8 is called Function Definitions
, which is the same as section 13 in ES5. That's as far as I get.
Did they remove that whole piece? I thought it was a very helpful description of what actually happens when a new function is defined.
As there are many more kinds of function object and function syntaxes, this changed a bit.
In ES5 we had
10 Executable Code and Execution Contexts
10.4 Establishing an Execution Context
10.4.3 Entering Function Code
10.5 Declaration Binding Instantiation
10.6 Arguments Object
13 Function Definition
(syntax and evaluation of declarations and expressions)
13.1 Strict Mode Restrictions
13.2 Creating Function Objects
13.2.1 [[Call]]
13.2.2 [[Construct]]
13.2.3 The [[ThrowTypeError]] Function Object
In ES8 we have
9 Ordinary and Exotic Objects Behaviours
9.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots
9.2 ECMAScript Function Objects
9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList )
9.2.2 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget )
9.2.3 FunctionAllocate ( functionPrototype, strict, functionKind )
9.2.4 FunctionInitialize ( F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope )
9.2.5 FunctionCreate ( kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope, Strict [ , prototype ] )
9.2.6 GeneratorFunctionCreate ( kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope, Strict )
14 ECMAScript Language: Functions and Classes
14.1 Function Definitions
14.1.18 RS: EvaluateBody
14.1.19 RS: IteratorBindingInitialization
14.1.20 RS: InstantiateFunctionObject
14.1.21 RS: Evaluation
14.2 Arrow Function Definitions
14.3 Method Definitions
14.4 Generator Function Definitions
14.5 Class Definitions
14.6 Async Function Definitions
14.7 Async Arrow Function Definitions